Data Analysis IV - Merging and Reshaping Data
Sometimes the way that data is stored in files or databases is not the way you need it for a data processing application.
Pandas along with the Python standard library provide us with a high-level, flexible, and high-performance set of core manipulations
and algorithms to enable us to wrangle data into the right form without much trouble.
Pandas along with the Python standard library provide us with a high-level, flexible, and high-performance set of core manipulations
and algorithms to enable us to wrangle data into the right form without much trouble.
Goals: How to merge/reshape data?
Data Overview:
- View Data with hidden tabs
- Combining and Merging Data sets by index
- Delete/Remove duplicated data after merging
Data Transformation:
- Detecting and Filtering Outliers
- Reshaping
- Discretization and Binning to group data
- Index matching data
Visualize Data:
- Group by function
- Pivoting data
- Set index
- Plot data
Example - Reinsurance Premium Loss Data
- The example is to merge and reshape data from different applications and ultimately determing business reinsurance coverage.
- This is a simplified and hypothetical example, but it's a great illustration of what Python can do for financial analysis.
- The example data is generated by randomization function
- ie: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10,5),columns = ['A','B','C'])
- The input data is an excel file consisting of 2 tabs: premium and loss and 8 hidden tabs
View Excel File with Mulitple Tabs
- List of tabs : note the display list including hidden tabs
- Number of tabs: using "len" function to count how many tabs in the Excel file
- View each tabs
- We can use Python to view/list/count all the tabs including hidden tabs.
Understand the business, what is abnormal value for this business?
- If average premium per policy is between 10K to 200K, the premium outside this range is invalid
- If maximum ceded reinsurance recoverable is 500K, then any ceded recoverable greater than 500K is invalid
In [3]:
## View list of tabs including hidden tab
df = pd.ExcelFile('data/analysis4/Premium_Loss.xlsx')
print ('df.sheet_names=%s' % df.sheet_names)
## Count how many tabs in the Excel file
number_tab = len(df.sheet_names)
print("There are %s tab(s) in the file." % (number_tab))
In [4]:
## Detect duplicated data from the first tab -"premium"
df_premium = pd.read_excel('data/analysis4/Premium_Loss.xlsx', sheet_name = "premium")
print("There are %s policies" % (df_premium.shape[0]))
print("There are %s duplicate policies" % (df_prem_dupes.shape[0]))
In [5]:
## View data from the second tab -"loss"
df_loss = pd.read_excel('data/analysis4/Premium_Loss.xlsx', sheet_name = "loss")
## Slicing can achieve the same results as head()
print("There are %s claims" % (Count_Row))
Merge premium and loss tabs
- Use Merge function with key identifier "Policy Number"
- Pandas.merge connects rows in DataFrames based on one or more keys
- By default merge does an 'inner' join - the keys in the result are the intersection with prepend X and Y
- Save the merge file to Excel
In [6]:
## Merge tabs - Inner Join
df_premium = df.parse("premium")
df_loss = df.parse("loss")
df_merge = pd.merge(df_premium, df_loss, on='Policy Number')
print("There are %s policies with incurred losses - here are the first 2:" % (df_merge.shape[0]))
## Save the merge file to Excel
Combined tabs - Outer Join
- Other possible options beside "inner" join are 'left', 'right', and 'outer'.
- The outer join takes the union of the keys, combining the effect of applying both left and right joins
- ie: Policy 10962 has no associated loss data, the missing loss result marks as NaN
In [7]:
## Combined tabs - Outer Join
df_combine = pd.merge(df_premium, df_loss, on='Policy Number', how='outer')
print("Here are the listing of %s policies incurred losses history - here are the first 2:" % (df_combine.shape[0]))
## Save the combine file to Excel
Delete/Removing Duplicates after merging data
- The DataFrame method Duplicated returns a boolean series
- True means duplicated data
- drop_duplicates returns a DataFrame where the duplicated array is True
- Our example showing duplicated policy 10962 and 11339, the output showed as "True"
- Both of these methods by default consider all of the columns must be duplicated
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In [8]:
## View duplicated data after merging
print("There are %s duplicate policies - here is the list:" % (df_dupes.shape[0]))
In [9]:
## Drop duplicated data after merging
Data Transformation
- Detecting outliers by applying array operations
- Loss should not exceeded 1 million since the policy limit is 1M
- Use the abs method in column Loss when loss is exceeding 1M
In [10]:
df_loss_1M = df_loss[df_loss['Loss'] > 1000000]
print("There are %s claims with losses > 1M - here they are:" % (df_loss_1M.shape[0]))
df_loss_1M[['Claim Number','Loss']]
Discretization/Binning and Index Matching
- Group data into discrete bins
- Divide data into 4 bins: $1 to $50,000, $50,001 to $75,000, $75,001 to $1,000,000, and greater than $1,000,000 and less than $20M
- Use "cut" function for data index matching
In [11]:
## Sepaprated loss into bins and print out first five rows
bins = [1, 50000, 75000, 500000, 1000000,20000000]
cats = pd.cut(df_loss['Loss'], bins)
In [12]:
## Count how many claims in each bins - ie. there are 150 claims in the loss range from $75K to $500K
In [13]:
## Show first 3 claims according to the matching discrete loss bin categories
pd.cut(df_loss['Loss'], bins, right=False).head(3)
In [14]:
## Group claim data into discrete loss bins by assigning group names, ie. first loss is a Clash coverage etc.
group_names = ['Layer1', 'Layer2', 'Layer3', 'XOL','Clash']
pd.cut(df_loss['Loss'], bins, labels=group_names).head()
Reshaping Data
- Group claims by line of business (LOB), not dollar amount
- Set Index
- View data by group
- Get max, min and mean value of the group
In [15]:
## Example file is a list of claims data
df_claims = pd.read_excel('data/analysis4/Claim.xlsx')
In [16]:
## Group claims by Line of Business LOB and set Loss_Date as index
df_claims.set_index('Loss_Date', inplace=True)
df_claims_by_lob = df_claims.groupby('LOB')
In [17]:
## View claim by LOB - Nurse
In [18]:
## Maximum value by LOB
Sumarize Statistics Value by Describe function
- Describe generates descriptive statistics that summarize the central tendency, dispersion and shape of a dataset’s distribution, excluding NaN values
- Transpose the results
- Save the result to Excel called claim_distribution.xlsx
In [19]:
## Traspose the describe
transport= df_claims_by_lob.describe().T
In [20]:
## Save the describe result to excel
Loss distribution by LOB - use groupby plot
- Use groupby function to plot the result
- This can be very helpful, that means we can reuse this code when reload the data from other application on the weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis
- To label y-axis in million, I found a code to do so. I plan to explore more codes about label plot in the future blogs.
In [21]:
## How to add dollars signs to the y-axis
## ref:
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
def y_fmt(y, pos):
decades = [1e9, 1e6, 1e3, 1e0, 1e-3, 1e-6, 1e-9 ]
suffix = ["G", "M", "k", "" , "m" , "u", "n" ]
if y == 0:
return str(0)
for i, d in enumerate(decades):
if np.abs(y) >=d:
val = y/float(d)
signf = len(str(val).split(".")[1])
if signf == 0:
return '{val:d} {suffix}'.format(val=int(val), suffix=suffix[i])
if signf == 1:
# print(val, signf)
if str(val).split(".")[1] == "0":
return '{val:d} {suffix}'.format(val=int(round(val)), suffix=suffix[i])
tx = "{"+"val:.{signf}f".format(signf = signf) +"} {suffix}"
return tx.format(val=val, suffix=suffix[i])
#return y
return y
def y_fmt2(x, y):
return '{:2.2e}'.format(x).replace('e', 'x10^')
ax = df_claims_by_lob['Loss'].plot(legend=True)
# ax[0].yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(y_fmt2))